I finally tried soap nuts. Ever heard of them? They’re
gnarled nuts just a size larger than an acorn. They usually turn up at natural
food stores and occasionally farmers market stands or craft booths run by
hippies. Sometimes the nuts are sold loose and sometimes in little packages
with directions.
Their natural oils purportedly work magic in the washing
machine rendering clothing sparkling clean without any detergents. The package
I bought from a woman at the Sweet Potato Festival who also sold beautiful
alpaca wool caps and homemade hand and body soaps said to toss 2 or 3 in an
average load. They can be used 5-7 times. There were no specifics as to how you
know they are “used up”.
I’ve had my packet of soap nuts for a few months. They
seemed like a great idea until I got them home and prepared to toss them in my
washing machine. I paused to consider the power of vinegar. I use vinegar as a
fabric softener. Not only does ¼ cup per load work beautifully to eliminate
static cling and soften fabrics, but it also removes “teenager smell”. If you
have teenagers then you’re familiar with this smell. It’s not quite as bad as BO,
but it is also not necessarily a pleasant scent. I think it is a combination of
hormones, the repeated wearing of favorite clothes, and the stench of junk food
coming out of their pores. Deodorant cannot combat this and it permeates their
clothing. At any rate, as I said vinegar removes this smell beautifully.
Sidebar: Vinegar,
besides being a most powerful and effective cleaning agent, is a natural
deodorizer, which I know seems odd given its own strong smell. Spray it in
trash cans, diaper pails, and refrigerators to remove the smell. I just spray
the bottom of trash cans and let the vinegar evaporate taking the stink with
it. Or you can just leave it for 30 seconds before wiping it out.
Because vinegar is such a powerful acid I worried that it
would strip the soap nuts of their natural oils and render them ineffective. So
I’ve left the soap nuts sitting on the dryer for months now. When I encountered
a soap nut vendor again, I asked about vinegar and soap nuts. She looked at me curiously
and said she didn’t think vinegar would hurt the nuts. But she didn’t say it
confidently enough to give me confidence. So the nuts have been sitting.
This past week I decided to throw caution to the wind and
just go for it. (It’s a wild life I live.) I added 3 soap nuts to a load of
darks, including a dirty glove (note picture) that has been sitting on my porch
for several months because no one knows who it belongs to and without its match
I can’t even give it to Goodwill. I also added vinegar to the fabric softener
dispenser and ran the load like I normally would.
When I removed the clothes from the washer they appeared
clean. The glove was especially clean. There were two problems though. First,
after putting the clothes in the dryer, I couldn’t find one of the nuts. I
pulled out all the wet clothes and shook them to no avail. I reached in to the
washing machine and felt under the spinner. No nut. I didn’t want to run the dryer
if one of the precious nuts was hiding in the clothes afraid the ‘natural
cleaning oils’ might cook on to the clothes or lose it’s magic altogether, plus
I only had six nuts to begin with. I stepped back to consider my options and
heard a “crunch”. Found the nut. Sigh.
The second problem was actually more serious than the
cracked nut. The clothes appeared clean, but they still smelled like teenagers.
Not good. Apparently the power of soap nuts trumps the power of vinegar. Or
perhaps the vinegar works best with my homemade detergent. I dried the load of
clothes and the smell was diminished, but I could still tell it was there. I am
confident my kids won’t notice it, living in the smell as they do. But still.
So my soap nut experience wasn’t the best. I’m not a believer,
but I’ve met plenty of people who are and I can say that soap nuts do seem to
clean the clothes, if not deodorize them. If you don’t have teenagers, they
might be a nice natural way to wash your clothes. For now, though, I’m taking a
pass on the nuts. If you’ve had a better experience, I’d love to hear about it!