The peas are in the ground! Finally! I don’t know that I’ve
ever planted them this late. (the picture of the planted peas was just dirt, so I took a picture of crocuses instead.) This year’s garden is going to be a haphazard
affair, it seems. We’ve got a construction project going which has forced me to
relocate my strawberries, another chore I took care of this weekend. They
wouldn’t all fit in the temporary bed I prepared for them, so some of them went
in pallets. I’ve never tried this, but am hoping it works.
The driveway is being expanded and repaved- a project that
has been overdue for at least ten years. New terraces and swales are being cut
into our hillside to fix drainage issues. In the end, I’ll have two new huge garden
beds! Well, since I’m losing one (the strawberries) in the process, it’s only a
net gain of one bed. But as long as I’m still sending the garden to lawn ratio
up, that’s all that matters.
This is the garden that's going -(I built that wall myself ten years ago by the way)
I’m a little nervous about one aspect of the garden remodel.
In the bed where the strawberries used to reside there is mint. And when I say
there is mint, I mean the entire bed is overrun, underrun, completely overtaken
by mint. The strawberries have generally been able to hold their own in the
battle for control, but the mint has always been on the winning end and I have
to ally myself with the strawberries by mid summer and ruthlessly pull out any
and all mint I can find. That still leaves plenty by fall when I cut it and dry
it to make mint tea. My concern is this – when the old bed is bulldozed and the
new beds are terraced into the same hillside, will the mint be EVERYWHERE?