The teepee is up! I know you were not aware of my Native
American roots, but that’s only because I have none. The teepee is for my
beans. It’s always the most impressive feature in my garden, causing people to
ooo and awe over my gardening prowess. But really, it’s no big deal. You can
build one, too.
The teepee costs nothing and can be assembled in a half hour
or less, depending on your available resources. All you need is a few sticks –
three long, three medium – and a bunch of twine. Baling twine, which is
littered in most every nook and crevice of my barn, works best. After this
winter, sticks are everywhere. If you haven’t got a pile in the back of your
yard, stop by a park, woods, etc., and grab a few off the ground. I promise no
one will mind. If you’re local and need sticks – c’mon over. We picked up
fifteen pick-up truck loads of fallen branches after this winter’s ice storm. (You
can grab some free baling twine while you’re here.)
Once you have your sticks and twine assembled, choose a
relatively level spot that gets plenty of sun.